Travel Tip: Be a Packing Pro – Kelsey Browning

Travel Tip: Be a Packing Pro

As my friends will attest, I pack and unpack way more than most people could stand. Even after living five years overseas, traveling internationally and suffering a transient domestic life, I still don’t have it down to a science. But I do have a few tricks up my sleeve.

Are you staying a night in one location before moving on to your final destination (for example, a hotel before boarding your cruise)? Choose your clothes for the next day and place them together at the top of your bag. Don’t forget, you’ll also want your pajamas and toiletries accessible so pack them near the clothes. Even if you still schlep your big bag into the hotel, you won’t have to dig through it like a pig rooting through…well…slop.


This week is both Peace, Friendship and Good Will Week and Disarmament Week. So lay down your shotguns and shake hands with someone today!

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