Sacha’s “Good Enough to Be Southern” Granola – Kelsey Browning

Sacha’s “Good Enough to Be Southern” Granola

I take absolutely NO credit for this deliciousness of a recipe. My friend Sacha Coutu from Ontario (yeah, people, that’s Canada) passed it on to me, and I wanted to share the gustatorial pleasure. Go forth and make granola!



  • 6 cups old fashion rolled oats (I used gluten-free because I’m trying to get my wheat belly under control 😉 )
  • 1 1/2 cups of raw nuts (I used 1/2 cup each of pecan pieces, chopped almonds, and pumpkin seeds)
  • 1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds
  • 1/3 cup flax meal (You can get golden flax seeds at Trader Joe’s and then grind them up in a coffee mill or blender)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon (Sacha and I agree that this is being chinchy with your cinnamon. I’d put at least a tablespoon!)
  • 3 egg whites, whipped until foamy, but not stiff. Very soft peaks. (This is how you want your eggs, y’all, NOT your man 😉 )
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 3/4 cup of any sweetener you want–honey, maple syrup, agave nectar (I used half raw honey and half maple syrup – again, the real stuff, y’all. Mrs. Butterworth has her place, but it ain’t here!)
  • 1/3 cup olive oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine dry ingredients (nuts and such) in one bowl.  In a separate container, combine egg whites, salt, sweetener, and olive oil. Mix well.

Now, combine wet and dry ingredients. Stir until dry mixture is saturated.

Spread your gloopy goop over 2 cookie sheets. Pop in the oven and bake for 10 mins. Remove and stir mixture, then re-spread over cookie sheets. Bake 10 more minutes, remove, and stir again. Then let cookie sheets  cool completely. Once the granola is cool-ish, you can mix in some dried fruit if you’ve a yen to. I used dried apples (cut into small pieces) from Trader Joe’s. Yummy!

This recipe makes about 12 cups (apparently, 1/2 cup is a proper serving – can you hear me laughing with hilarity??). I cut the recipe to 2/3 to make it manageable (meaning it’s almost gone in a week!)

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