Title: The Gifts of Imperfection
Author: Brené Brown, PhD
Genre: Non-fiction, Self-help
Why The Gifts of Imperfection is a Red Hot Read: I first learned of Brené (Bre-nay) Brown through my life coach. Brown is a professor at the University of Houston (Texas gal, reason enough to like her right there!) and researcher on the topic of shame. Shame? Why would anyone need to read about how shame impacts her life on a daily basis? You’d be surprised. Brown’s book is compact, but it’s full of real-life examples (some from her), thought-provoking insights and self-reflective questions. Her writing is very down-to-earth, not at all academic speak. After reading this short, powerful book, I bought it for my iPad (originally checked it out through the library) and thought of at least half a dozen people I’d like to send it to.
Today is Clean Up Your Room Day, and since I doubt your mom nags you about this much anymore, I guess I will. Good news is it’s singular (not Clean Up Your RoomS Day), so you can pick any room you want. How about the foyer? 🙂