No Crap Candy for Halloween, Please! – Kelsey Browning

No Crap Candy for Halloween, Please!


Hmm…Brain Candy’s been live almost two months now, and I’ve yet to talk about…well…candy. Today, folks, is the day.

Take a quick stroll down memory lane with me. Remember those plastic pumpkins you used to carry down the street on Halloween? You trick-or-treated (mainly treated) until it was filled to the brim. Then you went home, dumped it all out on some flat surface and began sorting. The two piles were: “Guard with your last breath” and “Try like hell to trade with your little sister.”

Here are a few of the candy types I would throw elbows to guard:

  1. Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups – is it wrong to be happy Smarty Boy had a peanut allergy that allowed me to steal his? He’s outgrown it now, but I still eat everything peanut-related 🙂
  2. Smarties – sugar crack, ‘nuff said
  3. Candy Corn – yep, I’m one of the two people on the entire planet who likes this stuff
  4. Twizzlers – only the red, please. And if it’s stale, don’t bother!
  5. Pixie Stix – if Smarties are sugar crack, this is sugar cocaine

Which Halloween candy would you run over small children for?

Today is obviously Halloween. It’s also National Caramel Apple Day. I say keep the caramel and ditch the apple!


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