Heaven is Personal – Kelsey Browning

Heaven is Personal

Like a lot of Americans, I learned at a early age that heaven was this cool place up in the sky where angels and “good folks” hung around strumming harps and lounging on clouds. Then I figured out: 1. I couldn’t play the harp and had no desire to learn and 2. Clouds are not solid. You sit on one of those puppies and you’re falling straight back to earth.

So over the years, I’ve decided heaven should be a place unique to each person (although maybe there’s a big rec room where we all meet on occasion) lucky enough to know the secret handshake. This is what my personal heaven would look like:

  • Super-duper high-speed internet
  • Plenty of wine (with an emphasis on Pinot Grigio and Malbec)
  • Comfy chaise lounge
  • Great books
  • Endless supply of carbohydrates

So what’s your idea of a personal heaven?


Today is Fibonacci Day so buck up and do a little math. What’s the next number is this sequence?

0, 1, 1, 2 , 3, 5, 8, ___

You got it! Lucky 13.

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